Individual Remote Wellness Services Policies and Procedures
Welcome to Rogue in Motion! We offer an online extension to our in person wellness program, which is specifically beneficial for people with Parkinson’s Disease. With this online expansion, we are able to provide the global Parkinson’s community with our research and client-feedback based wellness classes.
We use Vimeo and other platforms to provide Individual Remote Wellness Services. Our Individual Remote Wellness Services include recorded classes relating to PWR! Moves, high intensity interval training, boxing, strength, and many more important areas of wellness.
Please carefully review this document and, if you agree, sign and date below. They set forth the terms of our relationship while you receive Individual Remote Wellness Services from us.
Wellness is not Physical Therapy
Although our principal is a licensed physical therapist, Individual Remote Wellness Services are neither physical therapy nor any licensed service. This means that our work together does not create a provider-patient relationship between you and us. Individual Remote Wellness Services, including related techniques, poses, postures, routines, and exercises, may not be appropriate for everyone. If you have concerns about a medical condition, please schedule an appointment with us or with another medical provider. Individual Remote Wellness Services are not a substitute for medical advice.
Individual Remote Wellness Services do not include “physical or corrective rehabilitation or of physical or corrective treatment of any bodily or mental condition of any person by the use of the physical, chemical, and other properties of heat, light, water, electricity, sound, massage, and active, passive, and resistive exercise…physical therapy evaluation, treatment planning, instruction and consultative services…promotion and maintenance of physical fitness to enhance the bodily movement related health and wellness of individuals through the use of physical therapy interventions,” as defined by California law.
Communications Policy
By providing us with your contact information, or by initiating communication with us by email or text message, you authorize us to call, leave voicemails, and send text messages using that information. We will use this information for non-marketing purposes, including reminders, invoicing updates, and addressing questions. You further understand and agree that communicating with us by unencrypted emails and text messages may not be secure.
Payment and Cancellation Policy
You must purchase a Rogue in Motion membership to access the Individual Remote Wellness Services. The membership has a 7-day free trial. After the free trial, you will be billed $499.99 annually, or $49.99 monthly.
Individual Wellness visits have a rate of $75 for a 30 minute appointment and $150 for a 60 minute appointment. Please notify us within 24 hours of your scheduled visit if you need to reschedule.
You can cancel your membership by accessing the account settings on Rogue in Motion’s website. Please note that, with the exception of the trial period, the end date on which the membership expires depends on the type of membership (annual or monthly) purchased from Rogue in Motion.
Indemnification and Assumption of Risk
As a condition for receiving Individual Remote Wellness Services, you agree to indemnify us against all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, suits, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) to the greatest extent permitted by law and as they relate to your failure to follow our instructions, communicate to us about any problems you encounter during our services, or update us about changes to your health, and you agree to assume all risk of property damage, injury, or death associated with such failures.
No Warranty
Although we aim to provide useful and correct guidance, we make no warranty as to the effectiveness of our Individual Remote Wellness Services for you. Further, we believe the information on our websites, brochures, flyers, and information packets are accurate. However, we cannot guarantee such accuracy as we are not the originators of the underlying data used in the interpretation. Accordingly, we disclaim all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental, or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from our Individual Remote Wellness Services. Individual Remote Wellness Services are provided as-is, without additional warranty.
Summary of Remote Wellness Services
Privacy and Security of Remote Technology
Remote technology platforms incorporate network and software security protocols to protect your confidentiality. Consistent with privacy laws, our technology includes safeguards intended to secure and ensure the integrity of client information.
We utilize technology that: (i) complies with the relevant safety laws, rules, regulations, and codes for technology and technical safety for devices that interact with clients; and (ii) offers sufficient quality, size, resolution, and clarity such that we believe we can safely and effectively provide Individual Remote Wellness Services. Although you are not receiving medical care from us, we work to comply with applicable state and federal laws, which may still require us to protect the confidentiality and privacy of certain medical and personal information. We have implemented policies to ensure our compliance with these requirements.
Benefits, Risks, and Alternatives
We strive to explain the benefits, risks, and alternatives to you about Individual Remote Wellness Services.
Benefits. Technology platforms can facilitate high-quality Individual Remote Wellness Services in a convenient and effective manner.
Risks. The risks may include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) information transmitted may not be sufficient (for example, poor resolution of images); (ii) technical deficiencies or failures; and (iii) your information could be accessed, or intercepted by an unauthorized person.
Alternatives. You can always choose not to receive Individual Remote Wellness Services.
Agreement and Informed Consent
Your signature (or e-signature) below confirms your understanding of and agreement to the below statements:
· Agreement to Terms: You have read and understand this entire document and agree to be bound by each and every part, have truthfully and to the best of your knowledge provided the information requested, and agree to update us of any changes to your health.
· Membership Credit Card Authorization: When you purchase our membership program or a free-trial of our membership program, you hereby authorize such credit card to be charged for the membership program, at the interval (annual or monthly) that you have selected. This covers the cost of Individual Remote Wellness Service
· Recording: As a condition of participation in the Individual Remote Wellness Services, you warrant and guarantee that you will not record, capture, screenshot, or otherwise engage in any electronic motion picture or photographic acquisition of the Individual Remote Wellness Services
· Remote Technology: To receive our Individual Remote Wellness Services, you may be required to agree Vimeo’s terms and conditions of use and informed consent for the use of those technologies.
· Informed Consent: Before you can receive Individual Remote Wellness Services, you must acknowledge and agree that:
(i) You understand that Individual Remote Wellness Services are not medical services and are not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any illness;
(ii) Individual Remote Wellness Services are generally not covered by insurance; you are responsible for payment;
(iii) You assume all risk of Individual Remote Wellness Services; and
(iv) You agree to indemnify us for any loss, damage, or injury incurred during the course of receiving Individual Remote Wellness Services, to the extent permitted under the law.
You, the undersigned client, acknowledge and agree that we will render the services described to you. You hereby consent to receive Individual Remote Wellness Services.
As provided above, we have explained the services that you, the undersigned, will receive, as well as the material risks, benefits, and alternatives. You, the undersigned, agree and acknowledge that:
Ø The Individual Remote Wellness Services may not have the results that you expect or desire; and
Ø You have not been given any guarantees about the outcome of the Individual Remote Wellness Services.
You have been offered ample time and opportunity to discuss your concerns, and all of your questions have been answered to your satisfaction. This document may be electronically signed. Electronic signatures are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity.