Rogue in Motion - Live well with Parkinson's through Exercise! — Rogue Physical Therapy & Wellness



Live your BEST LIFE with Parkinson's Today!

Feel better. Move better. Start leading a more active life with PD through specialized exercise and education ONLINE.


why is exercise important?

There is substantial research that indicates that exercise can have a positive benefit for people with Parkinson’s on their symptoms, quality of life, longevity, and may even be able to slow down the disease progression.

And here at Rogue in Motion, we believe that everyone with PD should have continuous access to high-quality exercise programs through their entire life, FROM ANYWHERE INCLUDING THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME!

Exercise that can really make a difference!

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Improve your stamina, strength, and flexibility - allowing you to continue with the activities you've always loved.

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Go from needing assistance to being independent to climb into bed, get down and up off the floor, and get out of a chair without using your hands.


Achieve a level of fitness you never thought was possible


WHy is online right for you?

There are many reasons why our members exercise with us online:

  1. We have some members who are working still and aren’t able to attend classes or physical therapy during business hours. Our video library includes over 2,000 videos that can be watched any time that is convenient for you!

  2. We have some members who live in rural areas and don’t have access to in person classes within their local area.

  3. We have some members who are being really cautious due to the pandemic and choosing to exercise from home during this time.

  4. We have some members who just love the convenience of exercising from home!

People with Parkinson’s can really benefit from exercise, but sometimes…

It’s hard to know exactly WHAT TO DO or HOW TO DO IT.

Which is why we created ROGUE IN MOTION

An online membership program which provides easy access to high-quality Parkinson’s-specific exercises in the comfort of home.



Our Parkinson's specific classes utilize minimal equipment so you can exercise from home, outside, when traveling, or anywhere you like, on your favorite device.

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Get streaming access to all Parkinson's related content and all future releases. Research suggests a minimum of 2.5 hours of exercise per week to receive benefits. An ideal program includes some exercise everyday.

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We have a wonderful online community, we are making friends and connecting through the internet!

What’s included in the Membership?


✔️ Our extensive Parkinson's specific exercise class video library! With over 2000 videos inside, you gain access to a variety of classes you can utilize when it’s right for you!

✔️ LIVESTREAM exercise classes through Zoom 5 days a week! This is where you can exercise with us real-time and e-meet your fellow Rogue in Motion members.

✔️ Opportunity to ask questions about your exercise plan, diet, and other concerns answered by physical therapists who specialize in Parkinson’s.


What are the Types of Classes?

Exercise is medicine and a tool we can count on to improve quality of life for people with PD.

And here at Rogue in Motion, we offer a variety of exercises that will fit your needs!


How many LIVE CLASSES are there per week?

Here is our current live exercise schedule:


What are your Options?

To become a member of Rogue in Motion, you have 2 Options:

Monthly Membership ($74.99 per month)

Annual Membership ($749.99 per year)

 What People with PD Are Saying About Our Online Program!

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"I enjoy exercising from home! I can fit it into my schedule easily and love doing the PWR! Moves everyday!"


Dennis C.

“I like the flexibility of joining the livestream classes or using a recording, depending on what my day looks like and how I feel.”

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Sam T.

"It is so great not having to drive to class all the time. The videos feel like a one on one session!"

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Ann D.

“Thank you so much for starting these classes online! They have been so helpful and I feel so much better each day after class!”

 About the Founder





Dr. Claire McLean is a physical therapist who is passionate about working with people who have Parkinson disease. She loves implementing the research which supports specific exercise programs and other wellness activities that people can do to improve their health and impact their Parkinson’s progression over their life.

Early in her career, after seeing the incredible potential in people with Parkinson’s, she knew she had found her calling.

She founded Rogue Physical Therapy & Wellness to offer ongoing access to high quality exercise in Orange County California. Rogue recently moved into a new 6,000 square foot gym so they will be able to grow! 

Since the pandemic she started an online exercise + wellness membership called Rogue In Motion, available to people anywhere in the world!

When she isn’t working, she is trying new plant-based recipes, enjoying time outside, long walks with her dog and flying in small planes with her husband, RJ who is a pilot!

To “meet” the rest of our team members click here!

 We all need the right environment to thrive and reach our full potential.

And here at Rogue in Motion, we provide an environment that includes education, improved health and fitness through exercise, hope, inspiration and support.

We are challenging the expectation that once diagnosed with Parkinson's, an individual should expect to decline for the rest of their life. There is so much you can do to help yourself feel better!

In our 13 years of experience, we have seen that individuals participating in regular exercise are defying the odds and showing you can improve!

Want to feel your best and live life to the fullest like they are?