Insurance Based Occupational and Physical Therapy
Rogue does not offer insurance based occupational or physical therapy. We focus on exercise, and filling the gaps around insurance based therapies.
The good news is that we do have access onsite thanks to Orange County Occupational Therapy, founded by Leann Vitale. For more information, head over to their website:
Click here for a flier with more information about Occupational Therapy!
We are happy to partner with a local occupational and physical therapy practice, called “The OC OT”, so that insurance based occupational therapy can happen at Rogue, using our ample space and specialty equipment.
Leann Vitale is an Occupational Therapist who has opened her own practice that will provide mobile Occupational Therapy services in Orange County. She is a Medicare provider. If you have Medicare, she must bill Medicare under Part B. She is working on other accreditation from a few other insurance companies, however, she is unsure of the time of approvals. If you do not have Medicare and would like to see Leann at this time, you can contact her for a cash payment price.
Leann will be able to work one-on-one with individuals to tackle specific problems that the person is experiencing. Leann can come to your home, meet you out in the community, or work with you at a specific location such as Rogue. She will collaborate with you to create individualized goals, working to improve the overall quality of your life.
Leann may be able to offer home modification recommendations, adaptive equipment recommendations, safety strategies, specific exercises programs, caregiver training, visual assessments, and more.
How to schedule for OT or PT with OCOT:
1. Ensure you have a primary physician or neurologist to make an OT and/or PT referral.
2. Call 714-406-3447. Leave a message if there is no answer.
You can also Email: to schedule with Leann.
Call or email Leann with any questions!
Leann made us a resource list for helpful tools for handwriting and in the kitchen! Click here to check it out!