There is nothing like hearing people’s experience directly from them! If you would like to talk to one of my clients let me know and I can put you in touch!
"Through Claire's consistent, intense, mindful exercise regimens, I have regained much of my life back after 9 years with PD. As I become more capable physically, my life is less defined by my physical limitations and I have more confidence to try new things. Thanks to Claire, my life at 70 is expanding instead of contracting; I take train trips to Los Angeles and navigate public transportation with ease, I am in two book clubs, and I can do all my own gardening again. I can even jump rope again (my jump rope video demonstrates how much Claire has helped me). Exercising with Claire 6 times a week is my preferred medication!"
~Teri Jewell, class member
Claire has truly changed my mom's life! My mom, with Parkinsons, went from needing full assistance to get into bed and to get out of a chair, to being completely independent to climb into bed, get down and up off the floor, and can easily get out of a chair without using her hands. I am beyond grateful for the work Claire has done with my mom and I could not have asked for a better therapist! Thank you thank you!
~Tamara Lugliani Bassett, daughter of a Rogue client
Claire is a passionate advocate for exercise as medicine for PWP. Her education, training, and experience make her a powerful force to personify the value of specialized exercises to combat the life-altering symptoms of Parkinson’s. With exercises tailored to my needs, Claire provided me with a new direction in my program and provided me with invaluable motivation. Claire is simply a treasure. I cannot say it strongly enough: meet individually with her, or at the very least, hear her present at a conference or symposium. Either way, you will walk away absolutely convinced of the necessity of a powerful exercise program to enable you to live the best life you can. The bonus: you will be in the presence of a strong and caring woman who is a difference maker. More importantly, she will make your life better.
~Tom Sheppard, participated in an individual consultation
Thank you simply does not express the immense gratitude that I have for Claire and what she has done for me.
Four years ago, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I was very concerned that I would not be able to continue enjoying my active lifestyle. Learning that exercise was important in slowing disease progression gave me hope, but I didn’t know what type of exercise or how much was ideal. Claire was introduced to me and I was impressed with her level of competency. She helped me create a balanced exercise program that included cardio, weight training, and power moves. My stamina, strength, and flexibility have improved tremendously, allowing me to continue with the activities that I’ve always loved: kayaking, snorkeling, bicycling, and more.
My life has continued to be full and satisfying because of my relationship with Claire.
~Lisa Richardson, Class Member
Before being introduced to Claire in 2013, I was not a fan of exercise, especially exercise that pushed me beyond my comfort zone. With exercise I quickly started to reap the benefits of reduced rigidity and improved comfort of living in my body.
Now in 2018 I have achieved a level of fitness I never thought personally possible. Do I love exercise? I love the benefit my body and mind get from exercise, I love the comradery of working out next to others like me, and I love that 12 years into this PD journey I know that exercise will continue to be a tool I can count on to live well with PD!
So here is a callout to NON exercise enthusiasts, JOIN A CLASS WITH CLAIRE TODAY - the quality of your life will improve beyond expectations – and what is not to love about that!
~Ann DiLuzio, PWP and class member
I have had Parkinson for about 10 years. I’m a 70-year-old physician and exercise devotee. I met Claire through one of her students Teri at a Parkinson’s meeting sponsored by Cedars-Sinai. I’ve never had a trainer before. Claire has been a gift from heaven. I no longer feel defeated. Since I started training with her, work has been much easier as has keeping up with my family. I’m swimming and skiing again. Besides her talent as a trainer, she’s a wonderful person and there if I need her. I strongly recommend Claire and her programs for anyone challenged with Parkinson.
~Tom Zarchy, Rogue client
Claire has been a revelation in my ongoing journey with Parkinson’s Disease. She has a deep understanding of the physical challenges and is a wealth of resources for improving my quality of life, including a referral for speech therapy and nutritional guidelines. Her positive attitude inspires me to work towards leading a more active life.
~Erick Samuelson, class member
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s almost six years ago by my neurologist in Dec. 2013. For a second opinion, in 2015, I went to a movement disorder specialist at the Dept. of Neurology, USC. He confirmed the diagnosis. In 2016, I started experiencing swallowing issues—diagnosed as “pooling”: food doesn’t pass through with first swallow, but rather “pools” in the throat until swallowed again. My ENT specialist told me not to worry, they could always put a tube in my throat if it got too bad. That was very upsetting to hear.
My sister-in-law is a physical therapist who had attended one of Claire McLean’s seminars in 2017. She in turn referred me to Claire. I signed up for her power move class (PWR) and during the initial interview I discussed my swallowing problem. She referred me to a PT at Orange Coast Memorial who uses the “Speak Out” program to help Parkinson’s patients with soft voice and swallowing issues. The therapy sessions are followed up with the Loud Crowd support group. It all helped, so needless to say, no tube in my throat, stone face or soft voice!
In 2018, at my annual visit with my USC doctor, he told me I had improved from the previous year. I attribute it all to Claire and her PD-specific exercise classes. The best part of her program is her careful tracking of each individual’s progress every six-month. She is able to compare the results against non-Parkinson’s women results, and discuss where improvement has occurred or needs more work. She keeps records of your medications to see if you need any additional help to maintain or improve. What a blessing! And you meet other PD clients with similar challenges who are also improving greatly. Her commitment to each of us is absolutely inspiring. I always encourage any person suffering Parkinson’s to meet Claire and start reaping the benefits. Signing up with Claire has been the best decision I’ve ever made.
Carolyn Elfelt, Class Member
Orange, California