Online Wellness Assessments

Want to know How you are moving?

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Susan and Emily discuss her wellness report and how to optimize her home exercise plan to move her best!

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Janice and Emily talk about Janice’s wellness report and how Janice can set up her exercise plan to include things she enjoys doing most like gardening!

During your Online Wellness Assessment over Zoom, you will work with the therapist to

  • Perform virtual testing of strength, balance, endurance, mobility, cognition, and fine motor skills with guidance

  • Discuss how you are moving compared to age-specific standards on these tests and how you can address areas of need

  • Discuss your wellness goals, strengths, and challenges

  • Establish a personalized weekly home exercise plan including which Rogue virtual classes are the right fit for you

  • Establish a follow up plan for ongoing one on one exercise coaching so you feel supported and guided

Session Length: 55 Minutes

Cost: $160

Here is a preview of what your wellness assessment could look like.

You will receive a copy for your records after you complete the assessment!

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Questions? Call us with questions or to schedule: 714-276-3992